⌨️Tokenomics Calculator
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In order to better prepare for a presale, Solpad offers any project owner an integrated calculator where they can find the best tokenomics for their project.
To access it go to: https://tokenomics.solpad.io/
Total supply: Total circulating tokens for your project
Hardcap: The maximum number of Sol or other currency you plan to raise
Presale Price: The number of tokens a presale investor will receive for 1 SOL or 1 UNIT of other currencies.
Listing price: How much of the token of your project 1 SOL or 1 UNIT of other currency will be worth at launch.
The calculator will let you know if the tokenomics will work, an estimated starting marketcap and the price at launch for 1 Token.
Note: If you want to give presales a bonus you increase the number of tokens they receive in contrast to the listing price.
Let's have a token with 420,000,000 total supply with 50% supply used for presale and 2000 SOL hardcap with a LP rate of 30%.
We will first calculate how much tokens are for presale. 50% of 420,000,000 is 210,000,000.
Now we will find how much 1 SOL will be worth in presale phase. For this we will divide 210,000,000 with 2000.
1 SOL will be worth 105,000 Tokens in presale phase. We will not offer any bonus so the listing price for 1 SOL is the same as presale: 105,000.
Our starting launch price is 0.001$ and initial marketcap 435,000$.
In this case there will be 35% unused supply that can be either burned or used in other ways.
If you have issues setting up your presale contact any team member here.